Meet the Team: Seanna Calcaterra

This member of our solar family is someone for whom family means everything. We are thrilled to introduce Seanna Calcaterra as our Project Manager and "Solar Sister."

Seanna was born and raised right here in Southern Illinois, and counts herself lucky to be surrounded by a close group of relatives. She lives with her husband and their beloved two dogs and cat, and is further encircled by a tight-knit group of parents, grandparents, siblings, niblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and lifelong family friends. When Seanna and her husband decided to get married, they knew the perfect time, place, and occasion to bring everyone together for their wedding would be at the annual family reunion. They were blessed to have the whole wedding put on by their family, too!

Like many Southern Illinoisans, both natives and transplants, Seanna adores the natural beauty of our forests and foothills. When she's not hosting a family game night, of course, she loves to spend time outdoors, whether simply relaxing in the backyard watching hummingbirds visit her plants, enjoying a backyard cookout, hiking, kayaking, or occasionally primitive camping.

Seanna comes to us from the world of money matters, with eight years of experience in banking and one in finance. She is excited to put those skills to use helping to create a greener future for the broader family of fellow Southern Illinoisans. "I'm proud to work for an ever-growing company that cares about the environment, its employees, and the local community that it serves," says Seanna, and we are proud to have her aboard.

Seanna is the proud owner of a 13.14 kW SolarEdge system which is helping to reduce her Ameren bills while contributing to a greener future!